Intubation Injury Lawsuit

Did you or a family member suffer from an intubation injury or airway management negligence while under anesthesia? Problems with intubation while under anesthesia can be traumatic and result in severe injury and long-lasting consequences.

Working with Chicago Medical Malpractice Lawyers is the first step towards getting compensation for your family’s pain.

We’ll work with you to assess your case and the circumstances surrounding it and advise you on all available legal options. Our attorneys understand intubation injury cases and will take on every aspect of your claim, ensuring that you and your family’s needs are met and that you receive compensation for your suffering. 

Intubation Injury Lawyers

Intubation Injury Lawsuit & Your Rights – A Lawyer’s Guide

An intubation injury refers to harm or complications that occur during the process of inserting a breathing tube into a patient’s airway to assist with breathing. 

Common intubation errors include damage to the teeth, lips, tongue, vocal cords, or trachea, and in severe cases, can result in brain damage, perforated trachea, or esophagus.

These injuries can lead to significant pain, difficulty speaking or swallowing, and in some cases, long-term respiratory issues or even spinal cord injury.

Intubation errors and airway management negligence can result from improper technique, equipment malfunction, or patient-specific factors like anatomical abnormalities.

Prompt recognition and appropriate management of these injuries are crucial to prevent further complications.

Chicago Medical Malpractice Lawyer

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intubation injury lawsuit

Our Experience With Intubation Injury Lawsuits

We’re a Chicago-based law firm specializing in medical malpractice with extensive experience representing clients in cases involving intubation injuries that happened while a patient was under anesthesia. 

We have successfully litigated numerous cases where patients suffered harm due to airway management negligence and other intubation complications, securing compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. 

Our expertise in this area often involves collaborating with medical experts to uncover negligence and advocate for their clients’ rights against doctors, hospitals, healthcare providers, and other medical professionals. 

We focus on clients in Chicago, Illinois, and the surrounding areas and offer free consultations to see if you have a medical malpractice claim.

Chicago Medical Malpractice Lawyers were able to recover a medical malpractice lawsuit for $950,000 in connection with a negligently performed laparoscopic cholecystectomy.

Chicago Medical Malpractice Lawyer

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Common Intubation Injuries And Complications

Common injuries or complications resulting from intubation injuries in surgery include (but are not limited to):

  • Dental Damage. Broken, chipped, or dislodged teeth can occur during the insertion or removal of the endotracheal intubation tube.

  • Laryngeal and Vocal Cord Damage. Injuries to the vocal cords or larynx can lead to hoarseness, vocal cord paralysis, or long-term voice changes.

  • Tracheal Damage. Perforation, laceration, nerve damage, or stenosis (narrowing) of the trachea can result from trauma during intubation.

  • Sore Throat and Dysphagia. Patients may experience a sore throat or difficulty swallowing due to irritation and inflammation caused by the tube.

  • Aspiration Pneumonia. Improper placement of the breathing tube can allow stomach contents to enter the lungs, leading to pneumonia.

  • Uvular Necrosis. Trauma to the uvula can cause tissue death, resulting in severe pain, swelling, and potential infections.

  • Esophageal Perforation. Accidental insertion of the tube into the esophagus can cause perforation, leading to serious complications such as mediastinitis or infection.

  • Hypoxia or Hypoxemia. Incorrect tube placement can obstruct the airway, resulting in oxygen deprivation of the blood and tissues.

  • Tracheoesophageal Fistula. A rare but serious complication where an abnormal connection forms between the trachea and the esophagus.

  • Edema and Inflammation. Swelling and inflammation of the airway structures can occur, leading to breathing difficulties.

These complications highlight the importance of skilled technique, careful monitoring, and prompt management of any issues during and after intubation.

Proper technique and careful monitoring during intubation can help mitigate these risks like anesthesia awareness.

What Causes Intubation Injuries?

Intubation injuries can be caused by several factors, including:

  • Improper Technique. Inadequate skill or incorrect methods used during the insertion of the endotracheal intubation tube can cause trauma to the oral cavity, throat, or open airway structures.

  • Equipment Malfunction. Defective or improperly maintained intubation equipment can lead to injuries during the medical procedure.

  • Patient-Specific Factors. Anatomical abnormalities, such as a small mouth, large tongue, or unusual airway structure, can increase the risk of injury during intubation.

  • Prolonged Intubation. Keeping the tube in place for extended periods can cause pressure sores, tissue necrosis, or tracheal stenosis.

  • Emergency Situations. In urgent or emergency settings, the need for rapid intubation may increase the likelihood of injury due to the hurried nature of the procedure.

  • Inadequate Sedation or Muscle Relaxation. Insufficient sedation or muscle relaxation can cause the patient to move or resist during the procedure, increasing the risk of injury and even death.

Careful technique, proper equipment maintenance, thorough patient assessment, and adequate sedation can help minimize the risk of intubation injuries.

Airway Management And Intubation Injury Lawsuit FAQs

Get answers to your questions about intubation injury malpractice lawsuits from a experienced anesthesia error attorney from Chicago Medical Malptactice Lawyers.

How Are Intubation Injuries Proven In Malpractice Cases?

Malpractice cases that involve intubation injuries require certain evidence in order to sue an anesthesiologist or other medical professionals.

Typically, this involves demonstrating that the medical professional(s) involved failed to adhere to the accepted standard of care during the procedure. 

This failure is proven via expert testimony from anesthesiologists or related specialists, medical record review to identify deviations from protocol, and the establishment of a clear causal link between the error and the resulting injury through medical analysis and documentation.

What Evidence Is Needed For An Intubation Injury Malpractice Lawsuit?

Some examples of key evidence in an intubation injury lawsuit includes medical records detailing the anesthesia plan and associated procedures, any complications, and subsequent treatment. 

Expert testimony from anesthesiologists or other relevant medical specialists is often critical for establishing the standard of care and identifying deviations.

Documentation demonstrating the link between the error and the resulting injury, such as medical evaluations and patient testimony, also strengthens the case for negligence and damages.

Is There A Statute Of Limitations On Intubation Injury Lawsuits In Illinois?

Yes, in Illinois, there is a statute of limitations for medical malpractice lawsuits, including those related to intubation severe injuries, airway management complications, and other general anesthesia errors. 

A malpractice lawsuit must be filed within 2 years from the date the patient knew or reasonably should have known of the injury, but no more than 4 years from the date of the alleged malpractice. 

However, there are exceptions and nuances to this rule, making it essential to consult with a qualified attorney to understand how the statute of limitations applies to your specific case.

What Kind Of Compensation Can I Expect From A Successful Intubation Injury Lawsuit?

In a successful lawsuit for an intubation injury or similar anesthesia error, your compensation typically covers medical expenses related to treating the injury caused by the malpractice, including surgeries, rehabilitation, and ongoing medical care. 

Additionally, your compensation may include reimbursement for lost income due to the injury plus damages for pain and suffering endured as a result of the malpractice. 

The exact amount of compensation you may receive in an airway management negligence or intubation injury malpractice case is based on factors such as the severity of the injury, the impact on the patient’s life, and applicable laws in your jurisdiction.

Find Out If You Have An Intubation Injury Case In Chicago, Illinois

Did you or a loved one experience an intubation injury while you were under anesthesia during an operation that was performed in Illinois?

If you are located in Chicago or the surrounding areas, contact the experienced medical malpractice attorneys at Chicago Medical Malpractice Lawyers for a free consultation on compensatory damages.