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Shoulder Dystocia Lawyer
Having a child is one of the most exciting events anyone can ever experience.
It’s something that’s often the source of joy for all family members, especially the parents.
Families trust physicians and other healthcare providers to ensure the safety of the mother and the child during the process of labor and delivery.
Even years after the birth of a child, the event is memorable for a lot of reasons.
Unfortunately, there are some situations that can cause the birth of a child to be remembered for the wrong reasons, such as complications that occurred in shoulder dystocia injuries.

Sometimes the types of injuries that happen during childbirth could have been prevented.
Sometimes, shoulder dystocia occurs when the baby’s head emerges but the rest of the body is unable to pass through the birth canal, leading to potential injuries.
There are even some injuries that are severe and long-lasting that didn’t have to happen.
Difficulties in the vaginal delivery process due to the size of the baby and the birth canal can result in serious birth injuries and a medical emergency.
Erb’s Palsy and a brachial plexus injury are examples of birth injuries that are preventable.
Erb’s Palsy and brachial plexus occur as a result of compressing, pulling, tearing and stretching of nerves in the baby’s shoulder during the delivery process.
This is known as shoulder dystocia and it happens when the child’s shoulder is lodged behind the mother’s pubic bone.
Contact a Chicago birth injury lawyer today to discuss your legal options today.
Shoulder Dystocia Preventable Birth Injury?
The reason why shoulder dystocia is a preventable condition is because there are often signs that a problem exists, which provides an opportunity to make the necessary adjustments and move forward with the birth using procedures that will mitigate the problem and facilitate a safe delivery.
Failure to heed the warning signs and intervene appropriately can result in severe injuries to the child.
It is crucial to timely diagnose shoulder dystocia to prevent complications.
Medical professionals should not simply move forward with the delivery when the child’s shoulder is stuck without a strategy.
Healthcare providers receive years of training to ensure they’re able to provide effective care to patients.
This is critically important as it relates to labor and delivery.
For instance, in the event that shoulder dystocia occurs, there’s a procedure called the McRobert’s maneuver that can be used to navigate the problem and avoid damage to the infant’s nerves.
McRobert’s maneuver involves positioning the mother’s legs into a position that causes them to be flexed. After that occurs, suprapubic pressure is facilitated, which is pressure to the lower abdomen.
These actions enable the physician to rotate the baby so that the infant’s shoulder is freed without causing any damage or nerve injury.
Likelihood of Shoulder Dystocia in a Birth
Many physicians are of the opinion that just about every baby can be delivered without any damage or physical harm when the medical team is properly trained and skilled.
There are methods for delivering babies that are proven to be effective and have been used for years to overcome challenges and problems.
Even when shoulder dystocia occurs, it doesn’t mean that injury to the baby is inevitable.
Unfortunately, it’s often medical negligence that causes serious complications like brachial plexus injuries or permanent disability to babies during the birthing process in birth injury cases.
For instance, failure to respond promptly to a shoulder dystocia or a delay in performing a Cesarean section are examples of negligence that can result in life threatening injuries to babies.
Serious birth injuries such as cerebral palsy and severe brain damage injury can also occur due to such negligence.
Other Shoulder Dystocia Complications
Another type of negligence is not properly oxygenating a newborn after birth.
There is a long list of issues that occur as a result of negligence on the part of medical staff. Brachial plexus injuries can occur due to excessive force applied during delivery, leading to nerve damage and loss of movement in the affected arm.
Others include the misuse of labor-stimulation drugs, not recognizing fetal distress, improperly using forceps and failing to respond to compression of the umbilical cord.
Another form of negligence is allowing a woman’s pregnancy to last longer than 41 weeks without performing the right testing to assess the condition of the mother and the baby.
It’s worth noting that mild instances of Erb’s palsy are common and the baby will usually recover within a few months.
However, the cases that are more severe often take years for the child to fully recover.
During instances when the condition does not improve, surgery or physical therapy may be required to resolve the problem.
When and whether or not a child with Erb’s palsy should endure surgery varies as there isn’t always a general consensus among doctors.
Some believe surgery should occur after several months, while others believe it should occur after a year.
By its very definition, a dystocia birth is difficult and can affect either one or both of the child’s shoulders.
Shoulder dystocia complications can include severe nerve damage and long-term disabilities.
However, the level of difficulty does not negate the fact that healthcare professionals should have the skill to overcome the problem by responding quickly and appropriately based on best medical practices.
Failure to do so can lead to a long list of problems, including damage to the child’s brain.
Contact an Experienced Shoulder Dystocia Lawyer Today
There are various risk factors associated with Erb’s palsy, such as obesity, gestational diabetes, the baby being in the breech position, having a large fetus, a small pelvic area, and excessive weight gain by the mother.
This is why it’s imperative that healthcare providers possess knowledge of these conditions and a law firm that works on your behalf.
The risk of shoulder dystocia is one such condition that requires careful attention.
Having that knowledge can enable them to prepare appropriately during the delivery process, especially in cases where the baby’s shoulders might get stuck on the mother’s pelvic bone.
If you have been affected by the negligence of a medical provider, contact our Chicago Medical Malpractice Lawyers for a consultation.
Birth injuries related to shoulder dystocia can have lifelong consequences, and it is crucial to seek professional advice from a law firm.
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Legally Reviewed By

Adam J. Zayed
Adam J. Zayed, the founder and managing trial attorney of Chicago Medical Malpractice Lawyers, and a nationally recognized and award-winning personal injury and medical malpractice trial attorney.

Chicago Medical Malpractice Lawyers
833 W Chicago Ave., Suite 303
Chicago, IL 60642
Tel: 312.883.6907
Fax: 312.481.7927
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