Category: Birth Injuries

Forceps Delivery Lawyers

Doctors often use forceps to facilitate the delivery of a baby that gets stuck because the infant needs a little more guidance on its way through the birth canal. However, using forceps during delivery can increase the risk of several common complications. During a forceps delivery, the obstetrician will insert the forceps one at a

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Chicago Pursuing Lawsuit for Birth Trauma Lawyers

Birth-Related Trauma and Filing a Claim? Birth-related trauma can not only lead to a lifetime of issues for your child, but it can also result in numerous needs, services, and treatments that can cause extensive financial hardships for the whole family. However, if you went through this devastating situation, it is crucial to understand your

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Shoulder Dystocia Complications

Careful monitoring of mother and child during childbirth can go a long way toward preventing potential complications. When complications do occur, however, it can prove devastating to both infant and maternal health. Shoulder dystocia occurs when one or both of the baby’s shoulders get stuck during delivery. Often, this happens either because of a too-large

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What is Birth Injury?

When something goes wrong during a pregnancy or birthing process, it causes a birth injury. In some cases, the mother might have had problems during the pregnancy; in other cases, a medical professional’s negligence causes the birth injury. In a nutshell, when a baby suffers a traumatic event, such as a delayed birth or a

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