News & Articles

Chicago Nursing Home Abuse – America’s Growing Elderly Population

The elderly population in America is rising at an accelerated pace. In fact, it’s been estimated by the United States Census Bureau that the number of people over the age of 65 will reach 20 percent of the population within the next few decades. It’s also worth noting that one of the fastest growing populations

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Understaffed Nursing Home

Do you have a loved one who is currently receiving care in a nursing home? One of the biggest threats to their health and well being is the fact that many of these nursing homes are chronically understaffed. If this is the case, your relative may not be getting anywhere near the level of supervision,

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Reporting Nursing Home Abuse

Chicago Reporting Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers Are you beginning to suspect that someone close to you has been the victim of nursing home abuse in Chicago? If this is the case, you have no choice but to report it. This is your duty, not only for the love of your relative but for the other

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Chicago Nursing Home Abuse – Physical Neglect Lawyers

There are many kind, compassionate nursing home institutions in the United States. They’re staffed by caring and professional nurses and caregivers who truly care about the elderly and disabled who reside within their walls. This article isn’t about those nursing homes. It’s about the nursing homes that fail to protect their residents and allow physical

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Chicago Nursing Home Abuse Warning Signs Lawyers

When you trust a nursing home with the care of your family member, you don’t expect that there will be any type of abuse that takes place. Unfortunately, there are several types of nursing home abuse that occur across the country. While some types are physical, you could also see financial, emotional, and sexual abuse

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Chicago Nursing Home Inadequate Supervision Lawyers

A nursing home or assisted-living facility has an important legal responsibility to ensure that all residents are provided with the care and supervision they require. Failure to effectively monitor residents due to lack of available staff, mismanagement or other issues can be a serious issue, one that may place nursing home residents at greater risk.

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Chicago Nursing Home Abuse Infections Lawyers

A larger number of the American population will require nursing home care since baby boomers are becoming senior citizens. Over the years, it has become increasing clear that nursing homes are not fully equipped to handle the volume of people that are expected to become residents of their facilities. This is an issue that is

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Chicago Brain Tumor Misdiagnosis Lawyers

Chicago Brain Tumor Misdiagnosis Lawyers Despite the serious nature and urgent need for prompt identification and treatment, brain tumors can be notoriously difficult to diagnose. Even non-malignant tumors can pose a major threat. This is because any tumor that occurs within the confines of the cranial cavity has the potential to damage surrounding brain tissues.

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